Stay strong,,,

To me, being successful means...
Obviously being able to sustain yourself financially is one component to happiness, however the bigger part of the equation is the genuine relationships you surround yourself with. Authentic connections with family and friends become a higher level of priority as one matures!!

My definition of success has not changed over time. 

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From Blah to Badass: One Woman's Journey to Grab Life By the Balls

To me, being successful means...
Pursuing a life that makes me happy. Having balance with my work life, social life, and relationship with myself. Being able to afford my independence.

My definition of success has changed over time. 
I used to think success was based on more tangible identifiers. Such as my degree, my car, my job status, whether I was still asking my mom for money. Now I look at it in a broader more wholistic lens.

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The 60's, VietNam, corporate law, and family. Learning to say yes.

To me, being successful means...
Having good, lasting relationships with family and friends, leading a purposeful life in which I honor the things that light me up and contribute to the lives of others.

My definition of success has changed over time. 
In high school and college, I really didn't think about it much. I just knew I wanted to get a job, maybe have a family, and I was preparing for that. I really hadn't gone much beyond that. As a result, I set out on a pretty conventional path....Today, I look more at human values, relationships, and a sense of purpose. I wish that I had been a little more free, less fearful, about exploring different paths. For example, I think I might have loved teaching history at the college level.

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