Student of Last Graduating Class of Cubberley HS

To me, being successful means...
Being happy

My definition of success has changed over time. 
Growing up you are programmed that success is being educated to get a good job, marriage and nice house, money for the American dream. However, if you are not happy your success means nothing to you.

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I have no fear, I have only love

To me, being successful means...
Experiencing life

My definition of success has changed over time. 
I used to think I was a failure or didn't measure up to what was expected of me because I didn't have the prestigious career or college under my belt. What I learned was I actually got to live life and see what the world had to offer and in that, I grew and became a better person.

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The Debutant Drop-Out

To me, being successful means...
Personal contentment with that choices I've made. Enjoying laughter, music, dancing, poetry, museums, concerts and the great outdoors because there is nothing like the weather, flora and fauna we grew up with anywhere else.

My definition of success has changed over time. 
Career path equals money equals happiness is no longer a belief! More like a myth!

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Authenticity or Bust!

To me, being successful means...
Having a job that matches your values, relationships that are positive and authentic, and knowing yourself to know what you want out of life and will not put up with.

My definition of success has changed over time. 
Even as recently as 5 years ago I was convinced that people earning more money than me were more successful and talented. It took a few years in the corporate world to realize that even though I may not earn as much cash in my nonprofit job, the rewards and uses of my talents are much more important.

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