Grateful and keep On Trucking!

My time in high school

Attended high school in the

Overall high school experience
10/10. I was getting A's and B's but I was bored and rebellious, so the last year and a half of high school I got into the [name omitted] Alternative school within [high school name omitted]. It changed my life. I was immensely happier.Im so grateful that those teachers created the school! We were able to reap the benefits of the "regular" school and enjoy a lot more intellectual and social freedom. We went on camping trips together.we went to poetry festivals, we were able to be in charge of our own education snd not just what was mandated by the school district. Many of my friends also were able to work and go to school. I made friendships that have lasted a lifetime!

Grades in high school
A's and B's. 


Best subjects

Struggled with...
Math lol But they I didn't really apply myself then.

Favorite extracurricular
Community Service / Social Activism

Life since high school

My education through college prepared me to not only teach, but to understand the diversity of life and understand and help others. I loved my college days and the things I’ve learned and keep learning as I continue to grow through the older years of my life.

Attended college / university at
I went to Foothill Jr college took everything I could and transferred to Sonoma State University.

Majored in
I received two BA's in Anthropology and Psychology. I took a little time off to bike around Hawaii. Then I went moved to San Francisco

Post-graduate education or training
And went to San Francisco State to get my teaching credental and Masters degree.
I've studied at PSU to further my teaching credentials, In the past five years.

Places lived in US
California, Hawaii, Oregon

Places lived outside the US
Yes the Middle East, Palestine and Jordan in the year 2000.

Current occupations / past occupations
Assistant Apartment manager 10 wonderful years with my best friend. Raising our kids together in a great community. Elementary school teacher in the Bay Area and in Oregon.

Industries I've worked in
- Manufacturing
- Retail Trade
- Real Estate Rental and Leasing
- Management of Companies and Enterprises
- Educational Services
- Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation
- Accommodation and Food Service

Did your education prepare you for your career or occupation?
My education through college prepared me to not only teach, but to understand the diversity of life and understand and help others. I loved my college days and the things I've learned and keep learning as I continue to grow through the older years of my life.

Has your education or career/occupation trajectory ever changed? How?
Not really. I have done more work in communication and informational sciences In the past few years.

A little introspection...

To me, being successful means...
Being happy with my life and grateful for everyone and everything that has challenged and rewarded my life.

My definition of success has not changed over time. 

My greatest accomplishment to date and what I’ve learned from it
Raising my two sons, to see them turning out to be incredible humans! Intelligent, caring, insightful, hilarious beings that make the world a better place for themselves and others.

My biggest mistake or regret so far and what I’ve learned from it
Not leaving bad relationships earlier! I needed to grow up and have more self confidence. Im grateful that I was able to learn this as time went on through self education, college, work and faith in the power of love and what we call God. 

An unexpected event that changed my life and how it impacted me
Moving to another state and hating it, but now I realize it was for the best for my family and myself. As Annie Lennox says, "that what often seemed to be the end of the world often turned out to be a positive and transformational experience. " What looked like the end of the world then, Loosing my home and leaving was just a new begining. We are stronger and happier now.

Anything else you'd like to share?
Did you like living in Palo Alto? Yes! It was a great place to go to high school and grow up! I wouldnt change anything.

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My favorite spot in or around Palo Alto

Ramona's where I used to work. Hanging out with my friends at their homes too.