Followed my Dream

To me, being successful means...
Showing up to something you love and making the world a bit of a better place.

My definition of success has changed over time. 
I used to think it was more about money and material things, but now I think your success in life has a lot more to do with following your inner voice.

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Cal Poly, New York, Designer/Fabricator

To me, being successful means...
Being happy with what you do with your life

My definition of success has changed over time. 
Like every student in Palo Alto, being successful meant being at the top of your class, and eventually going on to be at the top of your field. However, being the best is, of course, remarkably subjective, and not objective at all. Most things aren’t measureable in numbers and statistics.

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Happy balance over everything else

To me, being successful means...
Maintaining my happiness.

My definition of success has changed over time. 
There is no dollar amount or title that can fulfill my success, which I initially believed. It's a matter of a work life balance that allows me to do the things in life that make me happy.

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