San Jose Sate, Rancher, Small town
/My time in high school
Attended high school in the
Overall high school experience
8/10. I was very shy in school, and definetly not part of the "in" crowd.
Grades in high school
B's and C's. I had a B average when I graduated.
Favorite subjects
Math, Science
Struggled with...
Anything where I had to stand up and talk!
Favorite extracurricular
Life since high school
“When I was 19 I got a chance to spend 6 weeks in South America. what a wonderful experience. Seeing poverty for the first time...was a shock! I had read about it,seen pictures but it wasn’t even close to reality... I appreciated my life so much more.”
Attended college / university at
I started San Jose State. I went for 1.5 years but the I got the travel bug and traveled all a over South America and Mexico for several years. When I came home I got married and moved to the high Sierras about 40 miles from Tahoe where I lived 40 miles from the closest store until my oldest child started school. Then I moved to a small town close to a school. I didn't want to home school.
Places lived in US
Arkansas, California, North Carolina
Places lived outside the US
Amsteveen, Netherlands, and Ascot, UK
Current occupations / past occupations
I have had several jobs, but now my husband and I are ranchers, we raise registered Angus cattle, goats, and lots of other critters.
Industries I've worked in
- Retail Trade
- I worked for the Census Bureau
Did your education prepare you for your career or occupation?
Has your education or career/occupation trajectory ever changed? How?
Yes, I have had many chapters in my life. I have adapted to where I'm living. Growing up in Palo Alto was a great advantage that I have realized more as I age.
A little introspection...
To me, being successful means...
Being able to love what you do and where you are.
My definition of success has not changed over time.
My greatest accomplishment to date and what I’ve learned from it
I built a house by with my father. He is not a builder by trade. We did almost everything ourselves from digging the foundation to doing the wiring and plumbing. Being a woman born in the 50's it wasn't always easy to do what you know you can do, when you are told you can't do it. I fell like I can accomplish anything I put my mind to.
My biggest mistake or regret so far and what I’ve learned from it
My biggest regret, would be my divorce, so hard on my kids. But in the long run in was the best for all.
An unexpected event that significantly changed my life and how it impacted me
When I was 19 I got a chance to spend 6 weeks in South America. what a wonderful experience. Seeing poverty for the first time, I mean real poverty, no running water, no electricity. Garbage and waste in the streets, the smell, was a shock! I had read about it,seen pictures but it wasn't even close to reality. I knew how lucky I was/ am. I've never known hunger, homelessness. I appreciated my life so much more.