What you appreciate, appreciates…grow love.

My time in high school

Attended high school in the

Overall high school experience
8/10. I had a great group of friends, I had fun, I loved being Spirit commissioner, I loved being a Varsity swimmer, and had great teachers.

Grades in high school
Mostly A's


Best subjects
English, Math

Struggled with...
AP Physics, I didn't understand it

Favorite extracurricular
Sports / Recreation

Life since high school

To me, being successful means being free to share my soul and my unique gifts with my community, following my passions.

Attended college / university at
USC 2 years, I got A's and hated it, because of my depression and eating disorder I took my first qtr jr year off and then transferred to Santa Clara University and LOVED it, I didn't even look at that school when I graduated HS. 

Majored in
I was a finance major with accounting emphisis

Post-graduate education or training
CPA, Astrology, Spiritual Healer trainings

Places lived in US

Current occupations / past occupations
Accountant, CPA, created my own business when I was 25, doing it for 20 yrs, Family Home Office Accounting. I'm also deeply passionate about our community and support many community organizations focusing on the environment, organic/sustainable/csa food movement, children, hunger, affording housing/homlessness, foster care and animals.

Industries I've worked in
- Accounting

Did your education prepare you for your career or occupation?

Has your education or career/occupation trajectory ever changed? How?
Yes, changing now, I'm in the space of reducing my clients and moving to more community focused service, and a strong interest in astrology. Still developing what that will be, but "gardening souls and helping grow love" is my mission these days. 

A little introspection...

To me, being successful means...
Being free to share my soul and my unique gifts with my community, following my passions. 

My definition of success has changed over time. 
Not a material measurement

My greatest accomplishment to date and what I’ve learned from it
Fully sharing and expressing my heart and soul, choosing love over fear.

My biggest mistake or regret so far and what I’ve learned from it
Being unkind to anyone. I have learned to always try to choose love, and act with love, I'm not perfect but always hold that in my heart. 

An unexpected event that changed my life and how it impacted me
Depression and an eating disorder my 2 year of college, and 2 more depressive episodes in my 20's and 30's. It taught me the most important thing was to feed my soul, take care of myself first, love and accept myself so that I can share my love with others and care for them as well. 

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My favorite spot in or around Palo Alto

Football at Stanford Stadium/Hiking at Foothills Park
[map pointing to Stanford Stadium]