Do what makes you happy!

My time in high school

Attended high school in the

Overall high school experience

Grades in high school
A's and B's, I was never in the highest lanes. Middle lanes.


Best subjects
History/Social Studies, Math

Struggled with...
English was tough because I didn't always read the assigned books. Oops.

Favorite extracurricular
Sports / Recreation

Life since high school

[My education] helped me develop my person and my inherent skills but it wasn’t until I had my internship in grad school that I really learned how to be a social worker.

Attended college / university at 
Loyola Marymount in Los Angeles then transferred to UC Berkeley bc LMU was too expensive and conservative.

Post-graduate education or training
I have my MSW and LCSW

Places lived in US

Current occupations / past occupations
Medical social worker

Industries I've worked in
- Healthcare and Social Assistance
- Public Administration

Did your education prepare you for your career?
Not really.  It helped me develop my person and my inherent skills but it wasn't until I had my internship in grad school that I really learned how to be a social worker.

A little introspection...

To me, being successful means...
Being happy. Spending time with family and friends -- being outdoors, cooking and relaxing. Helping others.

My definition of success has changed over time.
I used to think success meant what career I had or how much money I made.

My greatest accomplishment to date and what I’ve learned from it
Having two beautiful sons and raising them to be healthy, happy, honest and kind to others.

My biggest mistake or regret so far and what I’ve learned from it
Wish I would have traveled more before kids.  Kids ruin everything! Just kidding.  I've learned that it's more important to make time for the things I love no matter how busy or stressed I get at work or at home.

An unexpected event that changed my life and how it impacted me
Losing my dad to cancer when I was 24. Just made me grow up faster and wish I had spent more time with him as a young adult. Taught me to really value the time we have with loved ones -- can expire at any time.

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My favorite spot in Palo Alto

Mitchell Park