Be the change you wish to see in the world.

My time in high school

Attended high school in the

Overall high school experience
8/10. I had friends in many different groups, played sports, participated in student government and other activities. I excelled in academics but didn't feel too pressured by my parents. I enjoyed learning and felt supported by my teachers and school staff, as well as coaches and other parents in the community. I had my challenges as a teen but overall enjoyed my high school experience.

Grades in high school
Mostly A's


Best subjects
English, History / Social Studies, Foreign Language, Math, Science

Struggled with...
I don't remember struggling in any subjects. I do remember having excellent teachers and knowing I could go to them for help if I needed it.

Favorite extracurricular
I played several sports and made great friends on my teams.

Life since high school

Attended college / university at
UC Davis

Majored in
I double majored in Psychology and Sociology.

Post-graduate education or training
I completed my master's degree in Occupational Therapy 14 years after graduating from high school.

Places lived in US

Places lived outside the US
No. I've travelled to many countries but haven't lived anywhere outside of the US.

Current occupations / past occupations
Occupational Therapist in schools.
Past: AmeriCorps *NCCC Corps member and team leader, Variety of jobs with City recreation departments, Project manager at a non-profit that organizes community-built playgrounds, Research Assistant

Industries I've worked in
- Construction
- Educational Services
- Health Care and Social Assistance
- Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation
- Accommodation and Food Services
- Nonprofit

Did your education prepare you for your career or occupation?
Absolutely. Both the subject matters and the skills. Also the leadership experiences I had in school were very helpful in these jobs.

Has your education or career/occupation trajectory ever changed? How?
Before graduate school I didn't have a clear career path. I had figured out which skills I wanted to put to use, and also which jobs I didn't want. A chance encounter with an Occupational Therapist gave me a "lightbulb moment" and set me on my career path.

A little introspection...

To me, being successful means...
Helping others while reaching my own goals. 

My definition of success has not changed over time. 

My greatest accomplishment to date and what I’ve learned from it
Creating and organizing a one day volunteer event with three close friends. That I can use my past experiences and skills I've picked up in my life so far to create positive change in other people's lives.

My biggest mistake or regret so far and what I’ve learned from it
Not taking a risk because I was afraid I'd be embarrassed. I wish I had just gone for it and not worried about what other people thought of me! If I had followed through, I would've had an amazing life experience and the people I was worried about wouldn't have even thought about me either way later on. 

An unexpected event that changed my life and how it impacted me
I sent a message on an Internet dating site to the man who is now my husband. I decided to be bold and take a chance of being rejected. Luckily he was interested in meeting me and we met four days later. We are now in a wonderful marriage and have a beautiful daughter. I learned a lot about myself from dating and being single for a long time before I met him. I'm so glad I waited until I met someone who is an excellent partner to me!

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My favorite spot in or around Palo Alto

Was: Peninsula Creamery. Is: Philz Coffee and walking to Heritage Park with my family!
[Map is showing Heritage Park]